Just a blog, you know?

28 November 2005

Keeping Busy

I've been trying to keep myself busy. This blog was partially born from that attempt at busyness. See, hubby and I have been trying to get pregnant for well over a year now, after the miscarriage of a couple-of-months-before-plan, but very very welcome pregnancy.

It's exceedingly easy to obsess over pregnancy, the lack thereof, the attempts to get pregnant, etc. I try hard not to obsess, but it's difficult when it's my own body that's the key. Know what I mean? Pregnancy is heralded by many, many changes in my body, it's something that comes into being in my body... so I suspect that not obsessing is far more difficult for women than for men. Feel free to disagree, as long as you can do it rationally!

So, another aspect of 'keeping busy' has been an attempt to keep myself (and others) amused by looking at the funny side of trying to conceive. So far, the blog is looking rather pathetic. I'm disappointed at my inability to express amusing thoughts well in the fictional diary format that I chose. Oh well, I'll keep trying. If you want to have a look (keeping in mind my disclaimer of 'pathetic'), check out Help, I can't find the bun!


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