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22 March 2006

What the Muppets can teach us about church

I 'borrowed' this video from MrMuMu's blog because:
  1. I remember this clip from childhood... and remember loving it (and Animal) back then.
  2. I was struck by a very clear (to me!) analogy to church, and how we react to people who want to improvise a little. Oh... and the ultimate result (the person becoming more and more distant, then leaving!).
  3. I relate to Animal and the whole church-looking-at-you-weirdly thing.

Watch and have a giggle!


Blogger wcs53 said...

Thanks for the laugh. I haven't seen this for a number of years. The Muppets were one of my favourites growing up. Classic!

2:00 am

Blogger kathryn said...

what a blast from the past!!! hey, wcs had a picture of Oor Wullie!!!! rock on!!!

anyway, that clip . . . its neat how you took such a cool lesson from it. I totally relate. .

8:02 am


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