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14 February 2006

MUFHH - Today's Challenge

The goal of my spiritual life is such close identification with Jesus Christ that I will always hear God and know that God always hears me (see John 11:41 ). If I am united with Jesus Christ, I hear God all the time through the devotion of hearing. A flower, a tree, or a servant of God may convey God’s message to me. What hinders me from hearing is my attention to other things. It is not that I don’t want to hear God, but I am not devoted in the right areas of my life. I am devoted to things and even to service and my own convictions. God may say whatever He wants, but I just don’t hear Him. The attitude of a child of God should always be, "Speak, for Your servant hears." If I have not developed and nurtured this devotion of hearing, I can only hear God’s voice at certain times. At other times I become deaf to Him because my attention is to other things— things which I think I must do. This is not living the life of a child of God. Have you heard God’s voice today?
My Utmost for His Highest, 13 February

(well, yesterday's, sort of, but what with timezones and God's global nature... it'll do)

Have I heard God's voice today? No, I don't think so. But then, maybe I'm wrong. At the moment, I'm spending time and effort joining a gym instead of what I'd usually be doing this time of year - scrambling to get into a biblical study course for the semester. I did think about restarting study this semester, but every time I felt God saying a distinct "no, don't do that, you won't have time". Won't have TIME? Oh, Lord, do you really know what you're doing here?

Don't worry, folks, I'm not struggling with a lack of faith there. I'm just a little gobsmacked that he's planning to have me busy. Hmmmm.

Oh... what does this have to do with the gym? Well, I'm fairly sure he wants me getting my physical fitness on track, rather than my mental fitness. Why? He doesn't bother me with those 'little details'. Either I'm wandering off down the road of my own desires, or he's doing something peculiar with my life again.


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